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Where to begin?

For starters I would like to introduce myself, my name is unimportant but what I'm going to say is. I am a 24 year old woman who has had the misfortune of growing up in rural America. Misfortune you might ask? Isn't it always a injustice to "different" people who has a family from back East move to the Western side of the country to start a better life for them and their children? I guess it would be easier to back up and explain this a little bit better. Both of my parents are from the Washington D.C. area and both have military family backgrounds; that military family tree has since died seeing as neither my brother or I felt the desire to serve the country. With this being said it's weird to live in Idaho and not be related to anyone and, of course, having a family that hails from the East I didn't have the convenience of being related to half of the town. This was a disadvantage for quite some time but hey, at least I'll never have to wonder if I ende

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